Goodbye For Now

This is hard for me to do. I enjoy hearing from all of you who send me emails and follow my blog, twitter and other social media. But I get 200 emails a day and I feel guilty if I don’t at least acknowledge them. Deleting even ten percent is quite time consuming, leaving me little time and energy to work at my own writing and keep up with my blog.

So it is with regret that I am unsubscribing from some of you. I will from time to time still look at your blogs and try to catch up on some of what I know I will have missed. I hope you understand. I will miss those who are being unsubscribed, but hopefully it will be just until I’m ready to get my next book on the market.

May the Lord bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace.

Aleta Kay

6 thoughts on “Goodbye For Now

    1. Thank you for your understanding, Wally. Your posts are so inspiring and Elijah and Jeremiah are my two favorite prophets in the OT. I really hate unsubscribing to your post but I really need to focus on my writing for now. My email address is Feel free to drop me a line from time to time. May the Lord bless your online ministry.

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